A day to enjoy the beautiful countryside of the Karato Valley near the headwaters of the Yura River and Miyama – Part 1
07 am Departure from Guesthouse Soi
09 am Arrival at Ashiu Road Park, playing in the river in a clear stream
12 am 10 minutes by car to Kayabuki no Sato
12 am Having handmade soba for lunch, then stroll around the village
03 pm Buy some souvenirs and ice cream at Miyama Roadside Station
05 pm Arrival in Kyoto
I went to the upper reaches of the Yura River with the girls who try Packraft for the first time. “Ashiu Road Park” is located in the place where the sharp curve meander of the river. There is a toilet next to the large parking lot. From there you can take the stairs down to the Karato Valley, which is surrounded by clear river water and deep forest.
We went down stairs, and we found a place with a gentle flow that even beginners of can row packraft (please note that the water level and the strength of the flow will change depending on the weather of the day). Rocks of various sizes were lying around. We went up and down the stremas many times. It’s fun to float on the river in a clear emerald green water that can be seen to the bottom of the river. We had a very luxurious time. It’s a very basic manner but I specify just in case; according to the locals, it seems that some people leave garbage behind! Please double check before you leave.
享受美山魅丽的一天 Part 1
07 am 京都出发
09 am 到唐户峡谷停车场,用背包船玩水
12 am 开车10分钟到茅葺屋聚落
12 am 享受本地产的特产蕎麦面,走走看看茅葺屋聚落
03 pm 离开美山前不能错过用本地产牛奶做的冰淇淋
05 pm 回到京都
由良川源流近くの唐戸渓谷と美山の美しい田舎の風景を満喫する一日 ~前半~
07 am 京都出発
09 am 芦生ロードパーク着、清流で川遊び
12 am かやぶきの里へ車で10分
12 am お昼は手打ちそば、その後かやぶきの里を散策
03 pm 美山 道の駅店でお土産とアイスクリーム
05 pm 京都着