IKEBANA workshop
Our friends from Belgium, Barbara and Jean came back with a big group! They are a group of artists! Some are students of Jean and learn Kintsugi with him. Here…
Our friends from Belgium, Barbara and Jean came back with a big group! They are a group of artists! Some are students of Jean and learn Kintsugi with him. Here…
Ms. Xie has returned to the guesthouse. She came last year around the same time, summer solstice, and stayed for about a week? This year her stay is a little…
Now I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It has been a really long long tunnel, but we have found the way out! The Japanese…
How do you think about a guesthouse that has packraft rental service? 一家京都的民宿提供背包船服务,您觉得如何? パックラフトがレンタルできる京都のゲストハウスなんてどうでしょうか?
Kiyoimzu Temple today. 15 min walk from Guesthouse Soi to see this view. A quiet ordinary little park near our guesthouse is also the most beautiful time of the year…
Abao, who has lived for a long time has finally left. I'm lonely, but I'm happy that Abao has taken the next step. I hope everything will go smoothly in…
No New Year Bell because of the Covid-19... My only big event with guests for new year is gone. 因为疫情今年没有过年敲钟活动,今年我不能和客人一起去敲钟了吗?太遗憾了! 今年はコロナで方広寺の除夜の鐘がつけない。私のゲストとの毎年の定番イベントができずに残念! 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019…
The tree in our garden finally turned completely red. Quiet December with a little guest. やっと庭の紅葉が真っ赤になりました。12月、かわいらしいゲストと過ごす静かな毎日。 我们家的红叶来得晚,现在终于全红了。目前有小朋友客户,12月过安静的日子。
I went to see a Karesansui Garden and bought some Japanese sweets on the way back. Having the sweet actually became today's highlight at the end. This is exactly "Han…
We are very happy to have children in our guesthouse and would like to support parents who travel with small children. We have kids friendly facilities in our guesthouse such…